All About History Black America
All About History Black America
FIRST BLACK AMERICANS • The story of Black America goes back 500 years, when the first captured Africans were brought to the New World; the original members of a burgeoning, resilient community
AMERICA’S CENTURIES OF SLAVERY • America was founded on the principle of liberty and justice for all, but it wasn’t the land of the free for everybody
PHILLIS WHEATLEY • Phillis Wheatley was the first African-American woman to publish a book of poetry, and is widely considered fundamental to the genre of African-American literature
UNCLE TOM’S CABIN • Harriet Beecher Stowe published over 30 books, but is known around the world for one in particular: the bestselling anti-enslavement novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, published in 1852
SLAVE UPRISING: THE NAT TURNER REBELLION • Often attributed to its leader, Nat Turner, the Southampton Rebellion was a natural consequence of the brutal Southern slave system
A HISTORY OF AMERICAN SLAVE REVOLTS • The Southampton Rebellion is often considered the most ‘successful’ revolt, but it wasn’t the first or even the largest
FREDERICK DOUGLASS: SLAVE TO STATESMAN • Discover the remarkable rise of an agitator, reformer, orator, writer and artist
CONSTITUTIONAL CONTESTATIONS • A deep split in the abolitionist movement reveals the complexity of Douglass’s vision and ideology
A PHOTOGRAPHIC PIONEER • Photography was a major part of Frederick Douglass’s belief system and his efforts to defeat slavery and racism
HARRIET TUBMAN: SLAVE, SPY, SUFFRAGETTE • Erica Armstrong Dunbar tells us how Harriet Tubman freed herself from bondage, went on to save others and then fought oppression in all its forms for the rest of her life
WHAT WAS THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD? • A quick explanation of emancipation efforts before the Civil War
TUBMAN’S ALLIES • The men and women who fought by her side
CIVIL WAR • The American Civil War, as the final act in a long process of the abolition of slavery and the emancipation of the enslaved, was never just fought by White Northern abolitionists
EMANCIPATION • The Emancipation Proclamation redefined the course of the Civil War and set a new precedent for how the nation would be reshaped at its conclusion
BLACK COWBOYS • Hollywood would have us believe that the cowboys of the Western frontier in the 1800s were almost always White; in reality, at least 25 per cent of them were Black
RECONSTRUCTION • As the dust settled over the Civil War, for a moment it seemed that America’s Black populace had finally been granted their due rights; it was not to last
THE JIM CROW LAWS • After the Civil War, slavery was simply replaced by another racist system, designed to subjugate and oppress Black people through a mosaic of local laws, codes and agreements
WASHINGTON AND DU BOIS: THE POWER OF EDUCATION • Although their views were radically different, Booker T Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois both played crucial roles in empowering Black Americans through education
MARCUS GARVEY • A radical Jamaican firebrand who dreamed of uniting all Black people of the world, Marcus Garvey’s ideas were considered too radical to simply go unchecked
THE NAACP IS FOUNDED • Established as a necessary tool in the fight for civil rights in 1909, the NAACP is still going strong after more than a century
THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE • Arguably the most important time period in African-American cultural and intellectual life, the Harlem Renaissance...